I'm also a mom, a wife, an employee, a daughter, a thinker, a party animal (in a mom's skin), and, most importantly, I'm a woman.
Correction: I AM WOMAN! (ok..that was a bit much)
Now for my mission:
I need to share things. I've been a mommy since I was 20. I have an 8 year old and a 2 year old. In that interesting twist of fate (my 8 year old being born), I set the stage for some challenging years ahead. I was a single mommy at the time and didn't have many friends. That trend has sort of carried on throughout my life since most people I found myself around were much older and couldn't relate to me. I think when you are single (sans children), coming into your womanhood, you get know yourself a little better. I find myself, almost 9 years later. wondering who I am and what I might like to do if I actually took time for myself. A
s much as I didn't want to admit it, I need people. I need interaction and connection. I want to learn from you and share what I've learned.
With this blog, I hope to share with you my thoughts, my passions, and my favorite hobby.
- Thoughts - Example: 'When is it time to let go of "the glory days"'? (been thinking about that one a lot lately...) or it might be something like "Sugar Free Gummy Bears: Friend or Foe?"
- Passions - Well this is about shopping of course, but not just shopping. I want to share all of the online bargains I find because, quite frankly, getting things in the mail everyday gives me warm, fuzzy feelings. I want to share the strategies I've learned over the years to help you always get the best price on everything.
- Hobbies - This is the nitty gritty of my shopping habit. We are talking coupon codes here people. I actually had my first coupon code website, if you could call it that, when I was 19. Yes, I was paying per minute for internet service at that point, so you know it was an obsession. I didn't have a giant database or anything, and still don't for that matter, but I had coupon codes in my heart from a very early age. There are plenty of coupon sites out there right now, but I don't think the codes are any good unless you know how to use them. That's where I come in.
Thanks for sharing your time with me. You thoughts and comments are welcome. I'd love to hear about deals you have found, comments on my posts, or if you just want to vent about how your best friend hits on your husband and he told you he was into it (yes, that happened to me...barf!). Enjoy!

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